
1. At 通常都用在特別的時間點或者特別的節日


We are going to see a movie at 8 o'clock

I will have lunch with Amy at noon

Jim always goes to sleep at midnight.

更多例子: at lunch time, at night, at sunrise, at dawn, at sunset


I realized that I don't have anyone to help me anymore at that moment,. 

更多例子: at that time, at the same time


He has to work at Chriatmas


I went to America at 22

She met her boyfriend at the age of eighteen


2. on通常用在日期或者特定的日子


I am going to Taipei on the 16th

She needs to move to a new apartment on July 10th


We are going to swim on monday morning

Students went to a feild trip on Tuesday

Lucy's parents will be in Japan on this weekend


Family will get together on Thanksgiving

People do not need to work on New Year


3. in通常用在長時間


We will have a lot of rain in May. 


I was born in 1967


Jack was in Korea in summer

更多例子: in the seventies (在七零年代), in the morning, in the 19th century 


4. during通常用於 在....期間

She worked at this restaurant during the summer

I need to finish this project during the week


5. 通常用於從某特定時間到另個特定時間

We have class from 3:00 to 4:00

I will be gone from Monday to Thursday

The Fall semester is from August to December


6. Before 

需要兩個完整句子, Before 會在後發生的句子裡

I ate breakfast before I went to class. (在我去學校前,我吃了早餐)
= Before I went to class, I ate breakfast. 
吃早餐先發生, 而去上課則是後發生的事情, 所以before則在後發生的句子裡。當Before 的句子使用在句首時, 需要在中間使用逗號。

We arrived at the airport before the plane landed. (在飛機登陸前,我們到了機場)
= Before the plane landed, we arrived at the airport. 

They will go to a supermarket before they come here. (在他們來之前,他們會先去超市)
= Before they come here, they will go to a supermarket. 

後面不一定要接完整子句, 可以只接名詞

I had a cup of coffee before class. (在上課前我喝了一杯咖啡)
= Before class, I had a cup of coffee. 

David is going to call his girlfriend before the movie. (David 要在電影前打電話給他女朋友)
= Before the movie, David is going to call his girlfriend. 


7. After

需要兩個完整句子, after 會在早發生的句子裡

Julia and Annie took a walk after they finished their work. (在Julia 和Annie 在完成工作後去散步)
= After they finished ther work, Julia and Annie took a walk. 

I am going to watch TV after I do my homework. (我在做完功課後要看電視)
= After I do my homework, I am going to watch TV. 

後面不一定要接完整子句, 可以只接名詞

They went to the zoo after lunch. (他們在午餐後去了動物園)
= After lunch, they went to the zoo. 

I went to America after college. (我大學畢業後去了美國)
= After college, I went to America. 



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