狀態則有「簡單式Simple Tense」,「進行式Progressive Tense」,「完成式Prefect Tense」,和「完成進行式Prefect Progressive Tense」
時態 |
簡單式 |
進行式 |
完成式 |
完成進行式 |
現在式 |
現在簡單式 go / goes is / are / am |
am going are going is going |
現在完成式 has gone have gone |
現在完成進行式 has been going have been going |
過去式 |
過去簡單式 went was / were |
過去進行式 was going were going |
過去完成式 had gone |
過去完成進行式 had been going |
未來式 |
未來簡單式 will go / will be |
未來進行式 will be going |
未來完成式 will have gone |
未來完成進行式 Will have been going |
【現在簡單式Simple Present Tense】: S + V / S + Be (am, are, is)
- 可以用來表達「習慣的動作」。
I eat breakfast every morning. (我每天早上吃早餐)
“eat” 在這裡指每天都會重複吃早餐的動作。
She talks to her family every day. (她每天都會和她家人聊天)
“talks” 在這裡指每天都會和家人聊天的重複動作。
- 可以用來表達「事實」或「真理」。
The sun rises in the east. (太陽從東邊升起)
Julia is our English teacher. (Julia 是我們的英文老師)
Sam and Lily are my classmates. (Sam和Lily是我的同學)
- 當想要表達「想法」或「感受」時,也可以使用現在簡單式。
Tom wants to buy a new car. (Tom想要買一台新車)
“wants” 在這裡用來表示Tom想要買車的想法。
My younger brother hates to go to school. (我的弟弟不喜歡上學)
“hates” 在這裡用來表達了不喜歡上學的感受。
- 現在簡單式的否定句
I am not hungry. (我不餓)
We are not classmates. (我們不是同學)
She does not eat beef. (她不吃牛肉)
Jane and Wayne do not know each other. (Jane和Wayne 不認識對方)
I do not speak Japanese. (我不會說日文)
一般動詞的否定句根據主詞的單複數來決定使用do not或does not。當主詞是第三人稱單數(he, she, it, a book, a student, a woman, a dog, 等等) 時,則一般動詞前需要加does not。當主詞是第一 (I)、第二 (you)人稱或者複數時,一般動詞前則使用do not。
- 現在簡單式的疑問句
Are you a college student? (你是大學生嗎?)
Is Tommy in England? (Tommy在英國嗎?)
當原句是使用BE動詞時, 想要把句子變成疑問句只需要把BE動詞移到句首即可。
Do you eat rice every day? (你每天都吃米飯嗎?)
Does Sam’s father smoke? (Sam的爸爸抽菸嗎?)
Do your parents like watching movies? (你的父母親喜歡看電影嗎?)
若原句是使用一般動詞時,疑問句則需要在句首使用do/does ,而句中的一般動詞則都是原形動詞(不加-s/-es) 。
【現在進行式Present Progressive Tense】:S + be + V-ing
- 指正在發生的事情
This dog is sleeping. (這隻狗正在睡覺)
因為是發生在現在,所以sleep後面需要加上 -ing 。
I am playing a computer game with my friend. (我正在和我的朋友打電動)
- 現在進行式的否定句
Mr. and Mrs. Lee are not watching TV. They are reading the books. (Lee先生和Lee太太沒有在看電視。他們正在看書。)
Tyler is not listening to music. He is playing the piano. (Tyler現在沒有在聽音樂。他正在彈鋼琴。)
- 現在進行式的疑問句
Are you driving? Yes, I am driving. (你正在開車嗎?是的,我正在開車。)
Is Amy taking the test now? No, she is not taking the test. (Amy正在考試嗎?不,她現在沒有在考試。)
【現在完成式Present Perfect】:S + have/has + Vpp
- 表某一個動作或狀態從過去的某一段時間點開始並且一直持續到現在的時間,在這狀況下通常我們會跟since / for 一起使用
The weather has been warm since the beginning of April. (自從四月初天氣一直都很溫暖)
We have been in class since ten o’clock this morning. (自從早上十點開始我們就在上課)
Jane has been out of town for two days. (Jane已經離開城市有兩天了)
Jennifer has watched TV for three hours. (Jennifer已經看了三個小時的電視)
Since 是用來表式自從從某個時間點開始就一直在持續的動作或狀態而 for是用來表示這動作已經發生了多久。
- 用來表一個動作發生並完成在過去未知的時間點
Jim has already eaten lunch. (Jim已經吃過午餐了)
I have done the laundry. (我已經洗了衣服)
My friend has moved into a new apartment. (我朋友已經搬進了新的公寓)
- 表過去的經驗(未來可能還會發生)
Pete has eaten at that restaurant many times. (Pete在那間餐廳吃過很多次飯)
My roommate has visited America for a couple of times. (我室友去過美國兩次)
I have seen this movie several times. (這部電影我看過好幾次了)
- 現在完成式的否定句
The student has not finished the homework yet. (這個學生還沒有完成他的作業)
“yet” 通常用在比預計完成的時間點還要晚的時候。
I have never been to Korea. (我從未去過韓國)
因為”never”帶有否定的意思表示”從未做過” ,所以不用再加 “not”在這句子裡。
My mother has not started to cook yet. (我媽媽還沒有開始煮飯)
She has never driven a car before. (她從未開過車)
- 現在完成式的疑問句
Have you ever eaten at that restaurant? (你有沒有在那間餐廳吃過?)
Has your older sister ever taken this professor’s class? (你姐姐有沒有拿過這個教授的課?)
【現在完成進行式 Present Perfect Progressive】:S + have/has been + V-ing
- 表示從過去開始的動作或狀態一直持續到現在,並且持續下去。通常會和時間副詞(since, for, all day, all morning, all week等等) 一起使用。
I have been living in America for six years. (我在美國已經住了六年)
It has been raining all day. (今天整天都在下雨)
Mr. and Mrs. Jones have been sitting outside on their porch since they finished their dinner. (Jones 先生和太太自從晚餐後就一直坐在他們的門廊)
Rose has been talking with Jay on the phone for one hour. (Rose 已經和Jay講了一小時的電話)
- 表示在說話之前剛剛結束的動作
I have been waiting for you for an hour. (我已經等了你一小時)
She has been shopping all morning. (她整個早上都在逛街)
- 有時候,現在完成式和現在完成進行式有一樣的意思
Ed has been living here for seven months.
= Ed has lived here for seven months. (Ed已經住在這裡七個月)
I have been wearing glasses since I was ten years old.
= I have worn glasses since I was ten years old.(我自從十歲開始就戴眼鏡)
She has been teaching in a high school for twenty years.
= She has taught in a high school for twenty years. (她在一所高中教書教了二十年了)
- 現在完成進行式的疑問句
Have you been standing here for thirty minutes? (你已經站在這裡三十分鐘了嗎?)
Has the baby been crying since her mother left? (這個嬰兒自從她媽媽離開就開始哭了嗎?)
【過去簡單式 Simple Past Tense】:S + Ved / S + was/were
- 表發生在過去的動作,並且已經在過去的某個時間點結束
I was a student five years ago. (我五年前是學生)
這件事情發生在五年前並且已經結束,所以在這裡是用was (am的過去式)。
My parents met each other in a small city in Taiwan. (我的父母在台灣的一個小城市認識對方)
“met”是 ”meet” 的過去式。在這裡表示他們在過去的某一個時間點認識對方的。
Sara studied in the United States for four years. (Sara在美國讀了四年的書)
I had dinner with my friends. (我晚餐和朋友一起吃的)
- 表過去的習慣,現在已經沒有這個習慣了
I drank one cup of milk before I went to sleep. (我以前都會睡前喝一杯牛奶)
He used to take a nap in the afternoons. (他過去習慣每天下午睡午覺)
“used to” 也可以用來表示過去的習慣,後面的動詞則不做任何變化。
We used to go to that park after we finished our homework. (我們過去都會在完成功課後去那個公園)
- 過去簡單式的否定句
當想要使用否定句時,只需要在Be動詞後加上”not”。但如果使用的不是Be 動詞而是一般動詞,則需要在一般動詞前加上”did not”並且恢復動詞的形態到原形。
You were not at home this morning. (你今天早上不在家)
The weather was not cold last night. (昨天晚上的天氣不冷)
Our teacher did not give us any homework. (我們老師沒有給我們任何作業)
I did not hear what she said. (我沒有聽到她說的話)
- 過去簡單式的疑問句
當想要使用疑問句時,只需要把 Be 動詞從句中移到句首即可。如果使用的是一般動詞則需要在句首加上”Did”便可以不需要變動動詞時態。
Were you in class last Friday? No, I was not.(你上禮拜五有來上課嗎?不,我沒有。)
Did you call me last night? Yes, I did call you. (你昨晚有打給我嗎?對,我有打給你。)
Did Jimmy tell you about the birthday party? No, he did not tell me. (Jimmy有跟你說有關生日派對的事情嗎?不,他沒有跟我說。)
【過去進行式 Past Progressive Tense】: S + was/were + V-ing
- 表過去某個時間點正在發生的事情或動作
She was hanging out with her friends at three o’clock in the afternoon. (她下午三點時正在跟朋友在一起)
- 過去進行式的句子會常與過去子句一起使用
I was reading a book when Mark called me. (當Mark打給我時我正在看書)
My dad was taking a nap in the living room when I got home. (當我回到家時我爸爸正在客廳小憩)
When Bob visited Mrs. Smith at school, she was working in her office. (當Bob到學校找Smith太太時,她正在她的辦公室工作。)
- 過去進行式的否定句
My dad was not buying food at nine o’clock. (我爸爸九點的時候沒有在買食物)
David and Lucy were not playing tennis when I called them. (當我打給David 和Lucy時,它們沒有在打網球)
I was not eating when my boyfriend came home. (當我男友回來時,我沒有在吃飯)
【過去完成式 Past Perfect Tense】: S + had Vp.p
- 表過去某一時刻之前就已經完成的動作或狀態。這種句子通常和副詞子句一起使用(before, after, when, 和by the time等等)。較早發生在過去的事情使用過去完成式,而較晚發生在過去的動作則用過去簡單式。
Ann had left the classroom before Sam got there. (Ann 在Sam到達教室前就已經離開了)
Ann離開教室的動作發生先,所以使用過去完成式。 Sam到教室的動作發生晚,所以使用過去簡單式。
The airplane had already taken off when I arrived at the airport. (飛機在我到之前就已經離開了)
I felt a little better after I had taken the medicine. (我吃藥之後感覺比較好了)
By the time class was over, the rain had stopped. (當課結束時,雨也早就停了)
- 可以用在轉述別人說過的話
Lucy said that she has lost her keys. (Lucy說她弄丟了她的鑰匙)
Jack asked if we had seen this movie. (Jack 問我們有沒有看過這電影)
- 用於表示與過去事實相反的虛擬句子中,通常和 “if”一起使用
If you had come yesterday, you would have met him. (如果你昨天有來,你就會認識他)
If I had studied harder for the exam, I would have gotten a higher score. (如果我有更努力讀書,我就會拿到更高的分數)
【過去完成進行式 Past Perfect Progressive Tense】: S + had been V-ing
- 過去某一個事件發生之前,另一件更早發生的事件已經進行了一段時間
Eric had been waiting for Julia for two hours before she came to the coffee shop. (Eric在Julia 來咖啡店之前已經等了兩個小時)
The police had been looking for the criminal for three years before they caught him. (在抓到這個犯人之前,警察已經花了三年的時間在找他)
It was midnight. I had been studying for five hours. No wonder I was getting tired. (在半夜之前我已經讀了五個小時的書。難怪我感覺很累)
The teacher found out that a couple of students had been talking on cell phones. (老師發現有兩個學生一直都在講電話)
- 過去完成進行式的否定句
He could not answer the question because he had not been listening for the last ten minutes. (他不能回答問題因為他過去的十分鐘都沒有在聽)
否定句只需要在 “had been”之中加入 “not”就可以。
Lisa had not been playing the piano before her mother got home. (Lisa 在她媽媽回家之前都沒有在彈鋼琴)
- 過去完成進行式的疑問句
Had Vick been typing his paper before he went to sleep? (Vick在去睡覺之前都在打他的報告嗎?)
想要造疑問句時,把句中的 “had”移到句首,其餘的不變動,便是疑問句了。
Had you been crying for thirty minutes before I came here? (你在我來之前已經哭了三十分鐘了嗎?)
【未來簡單式 Simple Future Tense】:S + will + V ; S + am/are/is going to + V
- 表未來會發生的動作或狀態
I will send you an email tomorrow. (我明天會寄郵件給你)
My cousin will help me to move on this weekend. (我表姊這周末要幫我搬家)
Jessie is going to go to Japan next month. (Jessie 下個月要去日本)
I am going to watch a movie tonight. (我今晚要看電影)
一般來說,”will” 和”be going to”有相同的意思。但若要細分,”will”比較像是比較用在臨時決定的時候。而 “be going to”則是早已經計畫好而且也知道結果。譬如說:
I bought some wood because I am going to build a table for my house.
這裡用be going to 因為這已經是早已經計畫好的行程了。
This couch is too heavy for you to carry alone. I will help you.
will 因為這決定是臨時的並不是早就有計畫的。
- 未來簡單式的否定句
I won’t tell you what I am thinking about now. (我不會跟你說我正在想甚麼)
She won’t come home for dinner tonight. (她今晚不會回家吃飯)
Karl is not going to be in his office next week. (Karl下個禮拜不會在他們辦公室)
Chen and Joy are not going to meet each other in the mall because they cancelled the plan. (Chen 和Joy沒有要在百貨公司見面了因為他們取消了行程)
Will not = Won’t
- 未來簡單式的疑問句
Will Mary come to our house tomorrow morning? (Mary明天下午會來我們家嗎?)
Will you give me a ride? (你可以載我一程嗎?)
Is Rose going to study for the final exam this weekend? (Rose這周末都要準備期末考嗎?)
Are the teachers going to have a meeting on Friday? (老師們在這禮拜五都要開會嗎?)
【未來進行式 Future Progressive Tense】: S + will be + V-ing ; S + am/are/is going to be + V-ing
- 用於表示未來某一個時間點正在發生的事情或狀態
I will be doing my homework when you come home. (你到家的時候我將會在寫作業)
When I arrive at the airport, my whole family will be waiting for me. (當我到機場時,我的家人們將會等我)
Don’t call me at ten o’clock because I am going to be sleeping at home. (不要在十點時打給我 因為我會在睡覺)
Jose is going to be studying at the library when his friends have dinner together. (當Jose的朋友們在一起吃晚餐時,他會在圖書館讀書)
- 未來進行式的否定句
Susan will not be eating lunch when Jack goes to see her. (當Jack去找Susan時,她不會在吃飯)
Tommy and Mei are not going to be watching TV at three o’clock in the afternoon. (Tommy和 Mei 在下午三點時不會在看電視)
- 未來進行式的疑問句
Will Joe be cooking lunch when you go to his house tomorrow? (當你明天去Joe家時候,他會正在煮午餐嗎?)
Will you be taking a shower at eight o’clock tonight? (你今晚八點時會在洗澡嗎?)
Is Jessica going to be writing a paper after you leave? (你離開之後Jessica 都會一直在寫她的報告嗎?)
【未來完成式 Future Perfect Tense】: S + will have Vp.p
- 表某一個動作在未來的某一時間點或某一個動作之前完成。常與時間副詞子句或片語一起使用。副詞子句或片語需要使用現在簡單式來表示。
By the time I see you in July, I will have graduated. (在我七月見到你之前,我將已經畢業了)
I will have been in America for six years by the end of June. (到六月底的時候我將會在這裡住滿六年)
When Bill gets up tomorrow morning, Tracy will have eaten breakfast. (明天當Bill早上起床時,Tracy已經吃早餐了)
Don’t worry about this work. By the time you get back from your vacation, we will have taken care of everything. (不要擔心工作。當你放假回來時,我們將都已經處理好所有事情了)
【未來完成進行式 Future Perfect Progressive Tense】: S + will have been V-ing
- 表示某一時間點開始發生的動作會持續到未來的某一個時間點或動作,並且會持續發生下去
I will have been reading a book for twenty minutes when Eric comes to class. (當Eric來課堂時,我將已經看了二十分鐘的書)
We will have been shopping for two hours before our grandmother arrives here. (在外婆來之前,我們將已經逛了兩小時的街)
Amy will have been swimming for an hour when her boyfriend gets off from work. (當Amy的男朋友下班時,她將會已經游了一個小時的泳)
- 很多時候,未來完成式和未來完成進行式有著一樣的意思
When Professor Jones retires next month, he will have taught for forty-five years.
= When Professor Jones retires next month, he will have been teaching for forty-five years. (當教授Jones 下個月退休時,他將已經在這裡教了45年)